Achieving digital transformation workshop

This workshop will equip anyone involved in digital transformation and channel shift projects with the skills and tools they need to deliver fantastic results. Book your place now! The workshop will be led by the needs of those attending, focusing in on those areas of strategy, leadership, delivery and capability that have been identified as … Keep reading

Using Trello to help run a workshop

I’m a bit ambivalent about Trello as a project management tool – I know others love it, but me, I prefer something that looks a bit more spreadsheety. If you’ve not heard of Trello – here’s a video that explains it. Anyway, I did manage to make use of Trello in a pleasing way during a … Keep reading

Introduction to Public Sector Digital Engagement LONDON & SE

Tuesday 25th October 2011 Feedback from previous Digital Engagement workshop The workshop provided me with a better understanding of the advantages & pitfalls of social media – Tourism Development Officer, Ceredigion County Council The workshop was informative and lent itself well to interaction with well thought out activities – PR Officer, Coleg Morgannwg Useful insights and experiences … Keep reading