Portfolio: sharing council comms resources

Portfolio looks an interesting idea, coming out of Nottingham City Council.

This, from an article at LGComms:

We’re launching Portfolio, a web portal that allows public sector organisations to share marketing materials. Councils and other public authorities can sign up to it for free and save money by buying ready-made, proven marketing campaigns. It also enables them to make money by uploading and selling their own designs.

Kind of an app store but for comms resources. Cool.

Right now it’s just traditional print media designs that are available, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t be too hard to include video assets, audio and so on.

Maybe even WordPress templates and the like?

1 thought on “Portfolio: sharing council comms resources”

  1. It looks like a great place to buy artwork commissioned as part of someone else’s campaign in someone else’s house style.

    You cannot buy a “ready-made, proven marketing campaign”. Anyone saying that clearly doesn’t understand what a campaign is.

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