5 thoughts on “The Digital Engagement Cookbook”

  1. Hi Dave – it’s a great achievement for you, Fraser and Stuart to collect and categorise such a wide range of recipes – congratulations!
    As I blogged over here, I think that ideally the next steps would be to integrate this with engagement processes, and non-tech methods.
    As you’ll see from my post, I’m encouraging people to think about how, for example, the cookbook and recipes might be used in the exploration of digital support for youth engagement that Tim Davies and I are doing with Nominet Trust.
    As in: here’s the top ten challenges and ideas … here’s some recipes … now how would you start cooking?
    I wonder if Consumer Focus would support some field testing and development against different scenarios as part of another phase?

  2. Thanks for sharing this Dave – the more tools like this that are available, the better, I reckon.
    One thing – is there a specific type of person you have in mind for using this? I can think of a few a different audiences that I would steer this towards, but for some the language might be too complex, and others I can imagine finding it too basic. For example, volunteer comms teams in charities vs experienced marketeers.
    Either way, I’ll definitely be pointing people this way, but thought I’d ask.

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