📅 Daily note for 26 January 2024

Remember my course! It might be really helpful for you or a colleague! Excellent podcast about what Iran is up to these days. Giles thinks learning materials in organisations ought to be better quality, and of course he is right. Simon Wardley shares some thoughts on project delivery that are well worth reading. The Future … Keep reading

Daily note for 22 January 2024

I am running a 6 week online course about making a success of digital in your organisation. You can find out more and book on the SensibleTech website. Neil Lawrence’s GovCamp write up (Medium, meh). AI, data, and public services from Jerry Fishenden: But technology alone can’t solve complex political, social, and economic problems. And … Keep reading

Daily note for 19 January 2024

A minor innovation in these daily notes – pulling out the occasional quote from some of the links, and then using a horizontal line to provide some separation. Also using the lines to make it clear when a multiple-paragraph comment from me is over. Like this!: “I Made This”: In its current state, generative AI … Keep reading

Daily note for 18 January 2023

In a conversation today I got to reference the chicken and pig analogy around project managers, which is something I haven’t done in ages. I was differentiating between those project mangers without domain knowledge who coordinate, document, follow up on actions, make sure stuff happens, but who don’t really have skin in the game in … Keep reading

Daily note for 15 January 2024

This from Dai Vaughan is really excellent on how technology failures keep damaging people’s lives, and how frustrating it is that the answers to this problem are well known, but unevenly implemented. Mike Bracken’s take on Horizon. Still noodling on what to do with the newsletter. Feels increasingly icky to keep using Substack but it … Keep reading