Do you need to buy a CRM?

I’ve been prompted by some discussions on LinkedIn to write briefly here about CRM – or customer relationship management to give it its unabbreviated title. The idea behind CRM is that an organisation can record every interaction it has with its customers, so that anyone picking up a future call can be instantly caught up … Keep reading

LINK: “FixMyStreet Pro meets Salesforce: integrated street reporting for Rutland”

This is our first Salesforce integration, and it was made possible through the use of an API, developed by Rutland’s own tech team. At our end, all we had to do was write the code to integrate with it, and boom, two-way communication. Original:

Capsule – the acceptable and useful face of CRM

‘CRM’ or customer relationship management is one of those IT phrases that can put the fear of God into people, and with good reason. There aren’t many people who have managed to avoid the organisational carnage that attempts to deploy CRM can cause. Careers have been left in ruins, consultants missing in action, businesses killed … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Building an Open Source Laptop | MAKE Moving to GOV.UK – the MHRA experience so far How many people does it take to tame the Digital Dragon? (digital skills for all!) PauPress | Contact Relationship Management for WordPress. comms2point0 – a primer about successful online communities Flickr: … Keep reading