DavePress inc.

I’ve finally done it. Today I handed in my notice at work, and once that period is up, I will be freelancing: peddling my social media wares to anyone that will have them. Actually, that isn’t strictly true. Here’s some of the stuff I hope to be doing: Strategy – helping organisations figure out exactly … Keep reading


Things have been relatively quiet here on DavePress, but don’t worry, I have been busy. I’ve been working on a few projects – as well as the social reporting stuff with David – which I will hopefully be able to report on soon. In the meantime I have been trying to bookmark the interesting stuff … Keep reading

Hello world!

I know, I know. It seems like I start a new blog every 5 minutes. But this is different. This time, I’m staying put. The whole FEconnect thing didn’t work for me, in the end. This was a big shame, because the blog proved pretty popular quite quickly. But what I realised was that there … Keep reading