Bookmarks for December 30th through January 9th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Engagement advice – Mick reports on a good list of engagement tips via @govloop Our Society – "Our Society aims to connect people who are genuinely concerned to move power into communities." Can you help? – Personal and Self Directed Learning tool – Carl needs … Keep reading

Bookmarks for July 3rd through July 7th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Government Reservists 2 – an idea for the Big Society? | Podnosh – "We do need government to change itself and fast.  Might government reservists now be a way for active citizens and government staff to understand each other better, work together more closely and … Keep reading

Events, dear boy…

Quite a few events coming up in the next couple of weeks that I should probably let you know about. Next week I’m attending a few things: on Monday, the Clay Shirky lecture on Cognitive Surplus at the LSE, followed by the Learning Pool steering group meeting on Tuesday. I’ll be talking to the group … Keep reading