WordPress 2.7 released

Big day for a WordPress fanboy like me – the latest version of the open source publishing platform has been released, with a much updated administration area amongst other innovations. Here is a video explaining some of the changes: I’d better get upgrading…

Another new DavePress look

I’ve given DavePress yet another facelift. This one is a lot lighter and hopefully more friendly too. Personally, I especially like the ‘adverts’ in the top right corner, pimping my social media wares, such as my newsletter, ReadWriteGov and LGSearch. There is still some tidying up to do, but I’m nearly there…

Akismet now has stats!

Akismet is a plugin for WordPress (and a few other platforms) which helps combat the problem of comment spam. That when ne’erdowells come on your blog and post nonsense comments in the hope pick click the links in them to buy some viagra, or invest in a Nigerian lottery winning syndicate. Dealing with this stuff … Keep reading

PollDaddyPress & Automattic reliance

Matt Mullenweg, the irritatingly youthful founder of WordPress, has announced that his company, Automattic, have purchased the internet polling service PollDaddy, and immediately integrated in into WordPress.com and made a plugin available for self-hosted WordPressers. I took a secret trip to Sligo and put back a few pints with the team and we decided to … Keep reading