
Carl Haggerty has launched a great initiative down in Devon: Carl writes: It would be great to get public sector professionals, voluntary organisations and business people involved in these areas all together and working through some of these issues and topics – Basically, i’d imagine the event to involve anyone who has an interest and … Keep reading

Learning Pool Breakfast events

Learning Pool‘s breakfast meetings are great opportunities for local authorities to get together over a croissant and a cup of tea and hear some great stories about how real change can be achieved in councils with the right blend of technology and people-focused stuff. Two such events are currently scheduled: firstly in at Brighton and … Keep reading

LocalGovCamp Lincoln

Last Friday saw LocalGovCamp moving to Lincoln for the first of the follow up days. Learning Pool were happy to help out with some sponsorship of the event, which was marvelously organised and convened by Andrew Beeken of Lincoln City Council. The day was an enjoyable one, with plenty of interesting sessions, including one facilitated … Keep reading

Policing 2.0: The Citizen and Social Media

While Andrew was so marvelously blogging Government 2010 last Thursday, I was at an event organised by the National Police Improvement Agency, giving a presentation which was an overview of web 2.0 and what it means for public sector services like the Police. Here are my slides: Web 2.0 overview Also talking at the event … Keep reading

Government 2010

Government 2010 looks like it will be a lot of fun. It’s a conference about the future of government: Government 2010 is about improved government communications and more rapid delivery of services to citizens via the web, and web-enabled channels. It also features some people I really respect on the speaker list: Tom Watson Harry … Keep reading