UKGovCamp 2012 – your thoughts, please!

Steph and I are already starting our planning for the next big UKGovCamp event, which will be held in January 2012 in London as per usual. This time though we are hoping to do something slightly different, with the incorporation of an extra day into the proceedings. We see this as being a ‘doing things’ … Keep reading

Next live chat – Tuesday 28th June on crisis comms

The last web chat we did was pretty successful, so after a couple of weeks’ break, let’s do another. On 28th June at 11am, we’ll be talking about using the web, and in particular, social media, in crisis communications. Head over to the chat page, and you can sign up for a reminder.

LocalGovCamp 2011

Saturday’s LocalGovCamp was a marvellous day, entirely thanks to the superb organisation of Digital Birmingham’s Simon Whitehouse and Sammy Williams; and of course the 130-odd people who turned up on the day, giving up the best part of their weekends to talk about work. Also: thanks to the great sponsors who made the event a … Keep reading