Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Roundup of the fantastic #learningpoollive in Sheffield Today’s Smalltalk: A Second Look At The First OO Language Zim Is A 3D Printer For The ‘No Muss, No Fuss’ Mainstream < SaaS diagramming. Great! Airmail – interesting looking Mac gmail client Google Web Designer < this … Keep reading

My setup

One of my favourite bits of technology porn is Shawn Blanc’s series on sweet Mac setups. It basically just gives dorks like me an opportunity to drool over other people’s kit. But there’s another purpose to this, which is that it makes you think about the technology you use, and how it might be improved, … Keep reading

Bookmarks for July 3rd through July 7th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Government Reservists 2 – an idea for the Big Society? | Podnosh – "We do need government to change itself and fast.  Might government reservists now be a way for active citizens and government staff to understand each other better, work together more closely and … Keep reading

Bookmarks for June 7th through June 17th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. What Does Government Transformation Mean, Exactly? – "Rather than fantasizing about the myth of transformation, governments have to accept that future is no longer predictable and focus on what changes are necessary to make them more flexible and nimble to adapt to uncertainty." open data … Keep reading

Using a PC

I’ve had a pretty settled tech line-up for a while, which works really well for me. Essentially – 24” iMac on the desktop, MacBook Air for the portable and an iPhone for the really portable. The iMac is fine for the grunt work, sitting at the desk ploughing through pretty much anything – with 4gb … Keep reading