Where does the talent lie?

I was working once for a pretty big organisation, who wanted to start a blog. This was about ten years ago, so for a lot of people blogging was kind of new. Despite the fact that I was working there, and had been blogging for a while, and actually had a bit of a reputation … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: An Open Letter to Software Suppliers – 13 Ways to Help the Public Sector to the Cloud – @copley_rich Why the obsession with “coding” misses the point – from @jjn1 “Whatsapp and $19bn” – great writeup Love this: “How To Create A Self-Paced Email Course” Why … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Building an Open Source Laptop | MAKE Moving to GOV.UK – the MHRA experience so far How many people does it take to tame the Digital Dragon? (digital skills for all!) PauPress | Contact Relationship Management for WordPress. comms2point0 – a primer about successful online communities Flickr: … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Don’t drown in email! How to use Gmail more efficiently twister : peer to peer microblogging platform (interesting from privacy/decentralisation angle) Why blogging still matters in business – and always will — @euan In 2014, let’s get digital skills out of the classroom – @lesteph Do … Keep reading

Works starts on skills framework for web professionals

Vicky, from Boilerhouse and Socitm, pops by to tell us about the latest developments with the public sector web professionals network. On 27 November, Socitm will be holding a workshop as the first stage in a project to define a professional skills framework for people who work on public sector websites. This is part of … Keep reading