Daily note for 14 August 2023

I’ve just ordered myself a new Mac Mini. Having been working on a fairly clunky Windows all-in-one machine for a few years, am looking forward to getting back on the Mac full time. I just find the apps available on the Mac to be higher quality and more useful than on Windows, where the experience … Keep reading

Daily note for 9 August 2023

“Why I no longer believe in Content Design” https://uxdesign.cc/why-i-no-longer-believe-in-content-design-e71aeb5f060c I wrote a quick and snarky post about Cipfa’s recent report about blockchain: https://da.vebrig.gs/2023/08/09/cipfa-claims-blockchain-is-a-promising-solution-for-the-public-sector-i-disagree/ “Why does PDF content persist when it sucks so much, and how can you get rid of it?” https://lapope.com/2023/08/07/pdfs-vs-web-pages-whats-better-for-users/

CIPFA claims blockchain is a ‘promising solution’ for the public sector. I disagree.

CIPFA have published a report entitled Exploring blockchain technologies for collaboration and partnerships [PDF warning]. The very first statement of the executive summary is problematic. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution for collaboration and partnerships, providing a secure and transparent way for multiple parties to interact and transact without intermediaries. Has it? I’m … Keep reading

Daily note for 8 August 2023

A 17 minute video on web accessibility. Lovely! https://gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/webinars/digital-accessibility-best-practice-essentials-2/ An explainer from some clever people about AI and public services: https://public.digital/2023/08/08/what-public-digital-thinks-about-ai-the-short-read “Dear Alt-Twitter Designers: It’s about the network!” http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2023/07/19/dear-alt-twitter-designers-its-about-the-network.html “How common platforms deliver brilliant digital services” https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2023/08/08/how-common-platforms-deliver-brilliant-digital-services/ Some intresting points on the political side of tech policy – “Manifesto manifestation” https://blangry.medium.com/manifesto-manifestation-877001398ed0 “Wigan Council and residents … Keep reading

Daily note for 3 August 2023

How did I not know about this? Emulated Macs going back to the original, all in the browser: https://infinitemac.org/ Fairly pointless, but amazing. “How to play Mundane Superhero” https://smithery.com/2023/08/03/how-to-play-mundane-superhero/ – looks a fun way to kick off workshops etc. “Council Spotlight: Stockport’s Family Context tool” https://medium.com/ldcu/council-spotlight-stockports-family-context-tool-5cb0eb3e4e51 “Why Open Source Matters” https://redmonk.com/sogrady/2023/08/03/why-opensource-matters/