What a year!

There’s not long left of 2008 now. It’s been one of the most remarkable years of my life. I started it living in Mawsley, near Kettering, which I and my family hated. We then moved to Broughton, also near Kettering, which was better. Now I’m typing this in the study in our house in Cottenham, … Keep reading

Some resolutions

Or maybe just stuff I’d like to get round to doing in 2009… Get more collaborative: I’d like to spend more time working with other people, and I’m hoping that in 2009 there will be plenty of opportunities for this to happen Be more helpful: I’m envious of Dominic and his projects like AccessCity and … Keep reading


Twitterhack is a new blog I have started. And it’s horrible.   I hate ads on blogs, and this one has lots of them. It even has ads in the RSS, and the RSS isn’t even full text! Here’s why I have inflicted this abomination on the world: I found myself writing – or wanting … Keep reading

Bookmarks for December 28th through December 30th

Stuff I have bookmarked for December 28th through December 30th: Oxite – Lab – MIX Online – Microsoft's open source blog platform / CMS? Front Seat – Software for Civic Life – "Front Seat is a civic software company and incubator. Our software connects people to the places we live, the resources we consume, and … Keep reading