LINK: “To take the next step on digital, we dropped the word ‘digital’”

Although digital technologies are a powerful way to change a service, what really matters is the method with which change is done: user research, UX design, agile working, co-design, and solving problems in experimental ways. We now want to apply those methods to a wider set of problems, not all involving digital tech. Original:

Bookmarks for July 11th through July 16th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. How to work with online communities at Helpful Technology – "But there are many other ways to build relationships, and lots more experience to share. To help explore this further, I’m helping to convene Meet The Communities, a free, one-off event probably in Central London … Keep reading

Help my village!

Thanks to everone who helped out with this vote, hopefully we will have the results soon and that it will be positive news! My village’s community centre has the chance tonight to win a £50,000 grant from the People’s Millions. There is going to be a piece on the local news on ITV tonight during … Keep reading

Help Al survive for charity

My good friend Al Kitching writes a damn fine film review blog. He’s also doing something silly for charity: I’m being dropped into an “as yet undisclosed wilderness location” for five days of survival and adventure. The event will contain fundamental (with the emphasis on the mental) aspects of survival which “will challenge participants from … Keep reading