Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Delivering alpha performance reporting dashboards | Digital Health Origami – Design prototyping with Quartz Composer (free from Facebook) Daring Fireball: Microsoft, Past and Future – excellent read Splat the rat – our never ending web rationalisation | Digital Health The endemic flaw in the BBC’s digital … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Social media record keeping for government – is it necessary? | Digital democracy, news, thinking, tips & tricks Google Reader Died Because No One Would Run It 10 Visual Steps To Self-Publishing Your Book On Amazon – ReadWrite How To Self-Publish A Bestseller: Publishing 3.0 The … Keep reading

Bookmarks for July 11th through July 16th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. How to work with online communities at Helpful Technology – "But there are many other ways to build relationships, and lots more experience to share. To help explore this further, I’m helping to convene Meet The Communities, a free, one-off event probably in Central London … Keep reading