Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Tools for ideation and problem solving: Part 1 21st Century public service – is it a thing? « @Podnosh Autodesk 123D Design – free 3D printing design software Data, information, knowledge and power – exploring Open Knowledge’s new core purpose – from @timdavies All Things IC … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: ongoing by Tim Bray · Software in 2014 Joho the Blog » What blogging was – *sniff* Is Local GDS a good idea? « @demsoc Let’s Replace Council Websites with Local.Gov.Uk – a GDS for Local Government – @copley_rich Joined Up Philanthropy data standards: seeking simplicity, … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: David Wilcox » As the Knowledge Hub faces closure, might a creative Twitter mob help with re-invention? the 73-year old Excel spreadsheet artist Make and share useful lists | Gini Google Reader alternatives | Gini Some things I’ve learnt about public speaking | John Graham-Cumming Evan … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Getting the digital debate going – Jimmy Leach announces the FCO's conference on cyberspace. Sounds interesting! Mid year review: the state of DH digital – Great honest review of activity in digital at the Dept Health Ofsted Parent View – Interesting "Parent's Opinion" style school … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. We the People | The White House – E-petitions, White House style How to create sustainable open data projects with purpose – Nice article from MySociety's Tom Steinberg. One in six IT projects is a ‘ticking timebomb’ – University of Oxford – "A surprisingly high … Keep reading