Social processes

The following presentation was linked to by Dennis Howlett, who said: The…slideshow from Mark Masterson makes the point that when dealing with exceptions, the best tools available to us are the knowledge that resides in people’s heads. Ergo – the argument goes: implement social software as a way of capturing that information for current/later use. … Keep reading

Jakob Neilson on intranets

Jakob Neilson has some good stuff in his yearly roundup of intranet trends: Intranet design is maturing and reaping the rewards of continuous quality improvement for traditional features, while embracing new trends like mobile access, emergency preparedness, and user/employee-contributed content. Ideas of enterprise 2.0 are leaking into intranet design, and quite right too. As per … Keep reading

Is government a knowledge business?

Enterprise 2.0 is a label Andrew McAfee coined to describe the use of collaborative tools within large organisations, focused on the benefits this offers to non-technical managers rather than technology-for-technology’s sake enthusiasts. In other words: blog, wikis, forums, and social networks are nice, but what does it mean for a service manager? As always Wikipedia … Keep reading