Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Getting things done with Google Tasks A Beginner’s Guide to Pinboard — Shawn Blanc Announcing a digital health information network | Helen Milner FutureLearn & the role of MOOCs – The Ed Techie Communities of practice and the nature of knowledge < great stuff from @curiousc … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 30th through April 5th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. The Collapse of Complex Business Models « Clay Shirky – Awesome stuff from Shirky.   Reflecting on my MSc research by Michele Ide-Smith – "By researching the attitudes and perceptions of authorities and citizens I hope to gain a better understanding of perceived barriers, threats and opportunities … Keep reading

Got an iPhone? Get AudioBoo

Neville writes about the latest service from Best Before – the guys behind the awesome turn-your-macbook-into-a-videobooth service Videoboo – which is Audioboo. What you do with Audioboo is simple: record audio on your iPhone and publish the recordings to your Audioboo account on the web, complete with your geo-location data if you choose to include … Keep reading