Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Roundup of the fantastic #learningpoollive in Sheffield Today’s Smalltalk: A Second Look At The First OO Language Zim Is A 3D Printer For The ‘No Muss, No Fuss’ Mainstream < SaaS diagramming. Great! Airmail – interesting looking Mac gmail client Google Web Designer < this … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: The Myth and the Millennialism of “Disruptive Innovation” nvpy 0.9.4 : Python Package Index Ubuntu Guide for Mac Converts Knowledge Hub: Good CoP or Bad CoP? | markbraggins On Changing the Rules of Digital Humanities from the Inside Ted Nelson’s ComParadigm in OneLiners Linux Bumps Windows … Keep reading

Tools I use for learning

Recently, as part of a survey of members of the Social Learning Centre, I put together a list of ten sites or apps I use a lot in my own learning activity. Actually, I thought ten was rather a lot, so to share it here, I thought I’d whittle it down to half that number.
I think it’s useful to always remind yourself of the tools you use regularly in your own activity, particularly if you spend time designing sites, systems and platforms for others to use.

Anyway, hit ‘Read more’ to see the list.

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. BDU: Big Data – E-learning about "big data" which people keep telling me is going to be important. WP2Cloud – Interesting one for WordPress dorks (like me). Stores all your WP site stuff in Amazon's cloud. Announcing Open Space South West #OpenSSW – Sounds like … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Are open standards a closed barrier? | Government Digital Service – "Fresh out of a roundtable discussion on the Open Standards: Open Opportunities consultation, Linda Humphries discusses whether open can really mean closed." eParticipation needs to be carefully integrated into the complex world of existing participation … Keep reading