LINK: “Growing communities beyond the edges of the organisation”

In digitally mature organisations we are used to seeing strong communities of engaged, self-selecting members gathered around a shared purpose beyond that of their day to day jobs. Organisational communities thrive because they add an extra dimension to the organisational structure, and can increase the number of connections each individual has across the organisation’s network. … Keep reading

The Workplace – Q and A site for your career

I recently came across The Workplace – a question and answer site for people who go to work. It’s built on the Stack Exchange platform – which has considerable success in building knowledge communities, particularly around techy topics. I personally find the WordPress one an invaluable resource. In The Workplace, people are asking questions about … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Delivering alpha performance reporting dashboards | Digital Health Origami – Design prototyping with Quartz Composer (free from Facebook) Daring Fireball: Microsoft, Past and Future – excellent read Splat the rat – our never ending web rationalisation | Digital Health The endemic flaw in the BBC’s digital … Keep reading