An internal email newsletter?

Here’s an idea for those wanting to get some engagement going within your organisation. Send some emails. Actually, let’s be more specific. Send some really good emails. People are inundated with email at work, and adding to the burden might sound counter-productive. How about sending an email that reduces the burden though? Since I’ve been publishing … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Delivering alpha performance reporting dashboards | Digital Health Origami – Design prototyping with Quartz Composer (free from Facebook) Daring Fireball: Microsoft, Past and Future – excellent read Splat the rat – our never ending web rationalisation | Digital Health The endemic flaw in the BBC’s digital … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 25th through April 30th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. More plugins for securing your WordPress install – Useful guide for making WP a bit more impregnable. Introducing the Hybrid Organisation – Hacking UK Politics with IBM Middleware: open data, mashups, and uh… WebSphere – Cool looking mashup by guys at IBM described by James … Keep reading

Working better together

An awful lot of the posts I write here on DavePress are focused on external communication and collaboration – how organisations can engage and consult better with other people using the web. But there is massive potential in using social web technology internally as well, though it isn’t something I talk about an awful lot. … Keep reading