Learning from Marissa Mayer and Yahoo!

  I’ve just finished reading a book about Yahoo! and its current CEO, Marissa Mayer. A fairly slim tome, I got through it in a day on my Kindle. It’s well worth a look for anyone interesting in how technology companies work (or in this case, don’t) and also how large companies can go around … Keep reading

When clouds don’t taste so delicious

There appears to be a considerable amount of uncertainty about the future of Delicious, the web’s preeminent social bookmarking service. Not sure what social bookmarking is? Here’s a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeBmvDpVbWc It seems a shame that Yahoo! have been unable to find a way to make a service with plenty of active and dedicated users pay … Keep reading

Bookmarks for August 11th through August 18th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. OnePeople › Open source matters to open government. Really. – "Both DiMaio and Caudill make the mistake of believing that open source is about making cheap bits. Instead, it’s a blueprint for effective collaboration on a massive scale." Categorisation and other exciting details – "Part … Keep reading

Bookmarks for May 14th through June 2nd

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. TWiki – the Open Source Enterprise Wiki – "A flexible, powerful, and easy to use enterprise wiki, enterprise collaboration platform, and web application platform." How digital engagement can save councils money – A great paper from Anthony at the Democratic Society. Read this! Living in … Keep reading

Yahoo! Launch Fire Eagle

Yahoo! have launched Fire Eagle, a ‘geo-location platform’. Covering the launch, TechCrunch says: Fire Eagle allows users to syndicate their positional data to any partner service after updating from a supported device or website. This means that after sending a Pownce message with a geo-tagged photo, I could have Fire Eagle automatically update my current … Keep reading