Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Toe and HTTPS | Electronic Frontier Foundation The Dark Side of E-Books To the internet giants, you’re not a customer. You’re just another user – by @jjn1 meandering thoughts on the NSA scandal from @zephoria How We Work Together Yocto Project | Open Source embedded … Keep reading

New Chromebooks – worth the bother?

Google have announced a new model of their Chromebook – the web only laptop that runs their Chrome operating system, which essentially consists of a browser and not much else.

As well as the laptop, there’s now a desktop machine too – which is rather reminiscent of the Mac Mini.

Both look like nice bits of hardware – but just how useful is a computer that only runs web based apps?

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. 2011 London Social Business Summit – Great content from this event. Introducing South West LocalGovCamp #swlocalgc « Carl’s Notepad – This should be a good one! ’100 million comments a year’ – mutual support and advice in a shrinking state – How government could be … Keep reading

Bookmarks for July 17th through July 23rd

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Rewired State – hack UK online – "A one-day hack providing expert advice and prototyping for UK online centres, providing technical options for improving searching on the UK online centres website for a local centre, leading to an improved and more effective experience for the … Keep reading