Elements of local digital ecosystems

Apologies for using the word ecosystems – I just couldn’t be bothered thinking of anything less naff. So earlier I blogged about the ways NESTA identified that government can help support local digital activity. I mentioned that there are many different elements of the digital scene within a specific locality, so thought it only fair … Keep reading

Local digital impact

I’m increasingly interested in how creative collaborations between small suppliers, public services and organisations from other sectors can come together to solve problems in an open innovation-y sort of way. The digital arena is probably one of the best places for this type of thing to happen, and a useful post has appeared on one … Keep reading

Bookmarks for December 12th through December 30th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Five (grim) predictions for 2011 – Ingrid expresses a few concerns. Let's work to make sure this stuff doesn't happen! What Localism might mean for local gov web managers by Michele Ide-Smith – Great stuff as always from Michele. A must read for folk interested in web … Keep reading

Connected Generation 2010

Connected Generation 2010 is, in the words of chief cheerleader Tim Davies: …a one-day conference exploring youth engagement and technology in 2010. Based on feedback from participants at recent training events, and on the positive response to the Beyond Twitter event we ran up in Wrexham last year, we’re trying a mixed Conference and Open … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 13th through March 15th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. HR in the 21st Century – Collection of very interesting posts and thoughts on HR in the age of Enterprise 2.0 Opinion Space – "The U.S. Department of State is interested in your perspectives and input on a series of important foreign policy questions. "Opinion … Keep reading