Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Joho the Blog » [2b2k] Knowledge in its natural state PSFK Future of Work Report 2013 Donald Clark Plan B: More holes in Sugata Mitra’s ‘Hole-in-Wall’ project Digital Leadership or just leadership? | Curiouscatherine’s Blog David Wilcox » Much discussion about networking local government – now … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: The Ed Techie: You can stop worrying about MOOCs now Edtech startups have great products. Their sales? Not so great | PandoDaily Pull out and keep – Your guide to UK gov IT failures – Public Sector IT The Python Tutorial — Python v2.7.5 documentation Think … Keep reading

Learning from Obama

Edelman have published an interesting white paper on what lessons can be learnt from Obama’s use of the social web in his campaign. It’s worth a read. Here’s the headline list of learning points: Start early Build to scale Innovate where necessary; do everything incrementally better Make it easy to find, forward and act Pick … Keep reading

Learning from Obama

One of the interesting topics to emerge from 2gether08, specifically the sessions on whether UK politics is ‘big enough’ for the web, and ‘egov to wegov‘, was where we stand on campaigning online, especially in comparison with the US. This ties in neatly with a speech made by the Skills Minister, David Lammy, last week: … Keep reading