Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: The History of Programming Languages Nextdoor Brings Its Neighborhood-Focused Social Network To The iPhone With Debut Of Native iOS App | TechCrunch Fedora Project Announces Pidora Remix for Raspberry Pi Doctors 3D-Print An Emergency Airway Tube To Save A Child’s Life Time to stop kidding ourselves … Keep reading


Codebunk looks like a neat in the browser editor for writing and testing code. Particularly useful, I think, for those learning to program. Here’s a video that demonstrates how it works.

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Enyo JavaScript Application Framework – "Use the same framework to develop apps for the web and for all major platforms, desktop and mobile." Features | Re-usable Drupal recipes for government websites – Nice New Zealand government site sharing open source compontents for Drupal for gov webbies … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. by Nick Charney: Mapping Internal Policy to the Hype Cycle – "I've been thinking a lot this week about how organizations issue policies to govern the use of new and emerging technologies." The BBC Micro can still teach us a lot – "The BBC … Keep reading

Hackers for government (and a dollop of open source)

A lovely story of sharing, reusing and creative hacking in government today. There’s a whole post to be written on hacker culture and why government needs people who are able to program computers on the payroll. You just can’t outsource this stuff. The first chapter of this book explains it far better than I ever … Keep reading