Do we want everyone to get online?

I had a very interesting time at the Digital Evolution unconference and networking evening this week – wonderfully hosted by the Tinder Foundation and Google and with the irrepressible Will Perrin at the helm. Sadly I couldn’t make it to the proper conference the next day, but the buzz around the event was amazing and … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Taming the Python – geting started programming on your Raspberry Pi Battle for the planet of the APIs Returning to Free Software: A Guide Robots and Robber Barons – via @euan Onion Pi – Make a Raspberry Pi into a Anonymizing Tor Proxy! Why Java … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Home – Lincoln Matrix Richard Stallman: My Lisp Experiences and the Development of GNU Emacs “My favorite programming language:” Google’s Go has some coders raving | Ars Technica David Wilcox » Ten pillars of wisdom: a manifesto for a better later life Passing the Public Interest … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Generating QR codes using PHP and the API – Lovely little guide from Stuart Harrison (@pezholio). Numberhood – Interesting looking local open data app. Online Government Services and the Offline Older Generation : Fujitsu United Kingdom – Interesting research Therefore it’s unacceptable… – "The … Keep reading

European e-Inclusion Awards

From eGov monitor: The European Commission has just launched the first ever European e-Inclusion Awards. As part of the European Commission’s e-Inclusion Initiative, the Awards will celebrate the best and most imaginative uses of Information and Communications Technology to reduce digital and social exclusion. More here.