More on e-petitions

Excellent stuff from Fraser Henderson who has published a summary of some research done into the use of e-petition facilities in councils. I’ve embedded the presentation below: Panos & chris overview of e petitioning in english local authorities View more presentations from frazzy123 Fraser also links to some interesting evaluation of the europetition project, which … Keep reading

Council e-petitions

Just after Christmas I wrote a quick post about the prospect of e-petitions for Parliament. Of course, local councils are also supposed to have their own e-petitions systems and processes. My own local council, South Holland, has a system in place (the MySociety one) but sadly it doesn’t look like anybody has created a petition … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 30th through April 5th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. The Collapse of Complex Business Models « Clay Shirky – Awesome stuff from Shirky.   Reflecting on my MSc research by Michele Ide-Smith – "By researching the attitudes and perceptions of authorities and citizens I hope to gain a better understanding of perceived barriers, threats and opportunities … Keep reading

Local e-petitions

Headstar reported the other day about the progress of the piece of legislation that will mandate local authorities to set up systems allowing residents to create e-petitions, and to respond to such petitions. Under the ‘Local democracy, economic development and construction Bill’ (, councils will be obliged to provide an e-petition facility and publish schemes … Keep reading