Bits and bobs for Monday 26 January 2015

An occasional effort to link to interesting things I have seen. Not convinced about the format yet – let me know what you think. The digital democracy report was published this morning by the Speaker’s commission on the topic. If you like listening to podcast interviews, you’ll love Small Pieces, Loosely Joined is an interesting report … Keep reading

Podcasts you might like

As well as making my own podcast, I also love listening to those created by other people. Here are some of my favourites – maybe you will like them too! Try Doorbell Robert Brook and Lloyd Davis chanter on about technology, work, and getting old. This is the podcast that inspired me to give it … Keep reading

Five for Friday – 11 April 2014

Five for Friday is WorkSmart’s weekly roundup of interesting stuff from the week’s reading. Dancing Giants: How Cisco Innovates How to write an internal communication strategy How To Convince Your Boss To Try New Things Tips for starting a podcast The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain Did you know that WorkSmart has a … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 30th through April 5th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. The Collapse of Complex Business Models « Clay Shirky – Awesome stuff from Shirky.   Reflecting on my MSc research by Michele Ide-Smith – "By researching the attitudes and perceptions of authorities and citizens I hope to gain a better understanding of perceived barriers, threats and opportunities … Keep reading