Bookmarks for July 11th through July 16th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. How to work with online communities at Helpful Technology – "But there are many other ways to build relationships, and lots more experience to share. To help explore this further, I’m helping to convene Meet The Communities, a free, one-off event probably in Central London … Keep reading

Bookmarks for June 7th through June 17th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. What Does Government Transformation Mean, Exactly? – "Rather than fantasizing about the myth of transformation, governments have to accept that future is no longer predictable and focus on what changes are necessary to make them more flexible and nimble to adapt to uncertainty." open data … Keep reading

Yammer gets a facelift

We’re big fans of Yammer at Learning Pool – it’s provided that virtual water-cooler that a distributed workforce really needs. That mixture of work related updates, general chit-chat and abuse that any office needs to function effectively. If you aren’t aware of Yammer, it’s like Twitter but it is private to the employees of your … Keep reading