Bookmarks for April 25th through April 30th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. More plugins for securing your WordPress install – Useful guide for making WP a bit more impregnable. Introducing the Hybrid Organisation – Hacking UK Politics with IBM Middleware: open data, mashups, and uh… WebSphere – Cool looking mashup by guys at IBM described by James … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 19th through April 23rd

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Open innovation, why bother? – 100% Open – "…if open innovation is to deliver sustainable business advantage then we need a better understanding of what motivates contributors to these initiatives, else there is a risk of a backlash against them…" – MS Office + … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 11th through April 16th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. A New Approach to Printing – “a service that enables any application (web, desktop, or mobile) on any device to print to any printer.” Governments and Citizens: You Don’t Own Your Tweets – This is a really interesting piece on ownership of online content. Beauty … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 5th through April 10th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Social Media Security – "We have found a huge lack of accurate information around security issues and awareness of social media. This website aims to help educate users of social media of the threats, risks and privacy concerns that go with using them." E-government is … Keep reading