Bookmarks for March 13th through March 15th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. HR in the 21st Century – Collection of very interesting posts and thoughts on HR in the age of Enterprise 2.0 Opinion Space – "The U.S. Department of State is interested in your perspectives and input on a series of important foreign policy questions. "Opinion … Keep reading

LocalGovCamp London

Thursday’s LocalGovCamp in London was superbly organised by Anke Holst and her team. I was involved in one session, which was to by about internet culture and whether that’s the interesting thing local government ought to be taking on board, rather than stressing about whether or not they should be using Twitter. Flickr credit: Arun … Keep reading

Dead tree web 2.0 reading list

There are a number of books out there which are covering a lot of the stuff I am interested in with regard to the web and collaboration. It might be worth coming up with a reading list – how about a challenge to read them all by the end of the year?! These aren’t necessarily … Keep reading