
Robert Brook: I’m more interested in tactics than strategy. Other people can do strategy – they certainly want to and they’re better at it than I am. My tactical interest in in tools, services and methods that support delivery. Actual things. Stuff. I consider prototyping to be a key part of this approach. The division … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 30th through May 14th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Should the Public Sector pay for Content Management Systems? « Carl’s Notepad – [with open source] "You will still need to consider the integration aspects but open source products are far more likely to integrate (openness is key) then the big supplier products (no motivation … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 25th through April 30th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. More plugins for securing your WordPress install – Useful guide for making WP a bit more impregnable. Introducing the Hybrid Organisation – Hacking UK Politics with IBM Middleware: open data, mashups, and uh… WebSphere – Cool looking mashup by guys at IBM described by James … Keep reading

Productivity, responsiveness and lighter weight

I rather like this, from Gartner’s Mark McDonald: While the future will require IT to deliver enterprise specific strategies and initiatives there are a few considerations to keep mind: Productivity is different than efficiency and those differences matter It is better for IT to be responsive rather than just being “agile” Leveraging the capabilities of … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 19th through April 23rd

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Open innovation, why bother? – 100% Open – "…if open innovation is to deliver sustainable business advantage then we need a better understanding of what motivates contributors to these initiatives, else there is a risk of a backlash against them…" – MS Office + … Keep reading