WordPress 2.9

Bit of a late one this, but WordPress 2.9 came out before Christmas. Well worth the upgrade – especially for the image handling stuff and the ease of embedding flash content like YouTube videos. More information in this video:

WP Sauce

I threw this together this morning, it’s called WP Sauce: It simply pulls together the stuff people are bookmarking in Delicious about WordPress. I have added pretty much zero value to this, however, all the hard work was done by Steph and released by his department for folk to use. The script is called Bookmarklist. … Keep reading

WordCampUK 2009: 18-19 July

WordCampUK – the only event in the UK dedicated to the joys of WordPress – will be taking place in Cardiff this year, on 18 and 19 July. You can find out all the details on the official blog, which has been beautifully put together by Simon Wheatley and Laura Kalbag. To find out what … Keep reading