Bookmarks for March 16th through March 18th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. – Lovely commentable document style consultations from Ofqual MINDSPACE: Influencing behaviour through public policy – Institute for Government – "Influencing behaviour through public policy explores how behaviour change theory can help meet current policy challenges, such as how to reduce crime, tackle obesity, or … Keep reading

The biggest mistake councils made with online engagement

It’s frequently costly. It almost always achieves little. It lets people tick the “use the internet to engage with the public” box without actually achieving much. I am, of course, talking about webcasting council meetings. The idea has honourable roots. But the world has moved on. Both print and broadcast media have steadily moved away … Keep reading

Obama’s democracy

Interesting paper from Delib on the approach to government taken by the Obama administration in the States: The reality has certainly been a lot more muted than most geeks would have liked. Nothing overly glam and technologically ground-breaking, but instead a steady stream of pilot e-democracy projects and iterative improvements using an array of different … Keep reading

Cambridgeshire County Council uses YouTube to encourage new councillors

Cambridgeshire County Council have put up some videos on their YouTube channel from the leaders of the three main political groups on the Council. The aim of the videos are to encourage people to put themselves forward to become councillors. As the Council’s press release states: The films represent a first for local democracy in … Keep reading