Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: ongoing by Tim Bray · Software in 2014 Joho the Blog » What blogging was – *sniff* Is Local GDS a good idea? « @demsoc Let’s Replace Council Websites with Local.Gov.Uk – a GDS for Local Government – @copley_rich Joined Up Philanthropy data standards: seeking simplicity, … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Social media record keeping for government – is it necessary? | Digital democracy, news, thinking, tips & tricks Google Reader Died Because No One Would Run It 10 Visual Steps To Self-Publishing Your Book On Amazon – ReadWrite How To Self-Publish A Bestseller: Publishing 3.0 The … Keep reading

Bookmarks for August 18th through September 8th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Civic Commons code-sharing initiative bids to reduce government IT costs – "Around the United States, city governments have created a multitude of software. Unfortunately, most of the time the code from those projects is not shared between municipalities, which results in duplication of effort and … Keep reading

Bookmarks for June 17th through July 3rd

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Digging digital government: recent major works and what they mean – "But now, and for the first time, it’s starting to feel like we can retire some of those old soapboxes and get out our toolboxes instead." Newsroom: the backstory – "Early feedback on the … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 25th through April 30th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. More plugins for securing your WordPress install – Useful guide for making WP a bit more impregnable. Introducing the Hybrid Organisation – Hacking UK Politics with IBM Middleware: open data, mashups, and uh… WebSphere – Cool looking mashup by guys at IBM described by James … Keep reading