Radical transparency in local government – what can you do?

Something like Wikileaks couldn’t happen in local government, could it? Well, it looks like something similar is kicking off in Lincolnshire, with the Watching Lincolnshire County Council blog. It’s a whistleblowing site, where disgruntled employees are sharing rumours, gossip and occasionally confidential details, all anonymously. Collective Responsibility have an interview with those behind it. Whether … Keep reading

Change for the better

It’s pretty obvious that local government, like all areas of public service, is facing a challenging time. Most of Learning Pool’s customers work within Organisational Development, or Learning and Development roles, and when budgets get cut, it’s often training that suffers. However, as I pointed out in a talk at our ‘Hit the North’ event … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 30th through April 5th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. The Collapse of Complex Business Models « Clay Shirky – Awesome stuff from Shirky.   Reflecting on my MSc research by Michele Ide-Smith – "By researching the attitudes and perceptions of authorities and citizens I hope to gain a better understanding of perceived barriers, threats and opportunities … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 18th through March 20th

[Something is going wrong with this again. For some reason this hadn’t been posted before now.] I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Embracing Government 2.0: Leading transformative change in the public sector (PDF) – PDF warning! Link to paper from Grant Thornton on gov 2.0 – some interesting case studies. Government … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 16th through March 18th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. comment.ofqual.gov.uk – Lovely commentable document style consultations from Ofqual MINDSPACE: Influencing behaviour through public policy – Institute for Government – "Influencing behaviour through public policy explores how behaviour change theory can help meet current policy challenges, such as how to reduce crime, tackle obesity, or … Keep reading