DavePress podcast 2 – Andrew Beeken

In the second DavePress podcast I chat to Andrew Beeken of the City of Lincoln Council about the new open data site he has just launched, data.lincoln.gov.uk. [audio:http://media.libsyn.com/media/davepress/DavePressEp2.mp3] If you can’t, or don’t want to, use the flash player, you can download the .mp3 instead or subscribe with iTunes. If you have any feedback – or volunteer to be a … Keep reading

Bookmarks for April 11th through April 16th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. A New Approach to Printing – “a service that enables any application (web, desktop, or mobile) on any device to print to any printer.” Governments and Citizens: You Don’t Own Your Tweets – This is a really interesting piece on ownership of online content. Beauty … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 21st through March 29th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Would Anyone Ever Say that Open Government Isn’t Great? – "Let’s not demonize good old e-government and let’s not overhype open government or government 2.0. Because what they have both in common is the willingness to help government become better." Bristol City Council – blogging … Keep reading

Bookmarks for March 18th through March 20th

[Something is going wrong with this again. For some reason this hadn’t been posted before now.] I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Embracing Government 2.0: Leading transformative change in the public sector (PDF) – PDF warning! Link to paper from Grant Thornton on gov 2.0 – some interesting case studies. Government … Keep reading