WordPress 2.6 out now

The WordPress development blog has announced the release of a new version of the world’s best blogging software. Some of the big improvements include: the ability to compare versions of posts, wiki-style, tracking who changed what – great for multi-user blogs; a new dynamic bookmarklet to help quick posting; the inclusion of Google Gears to … Keep reading


Posterous is the easiest blogging platform in the world to use. No, really. All you have to do to get started is to send an email to post@posterous.com – no signup needed to begin with. I have given it a go here, and am pretty impressed with the way it handled Gmail’s rich text emails. … Keep reading

CivicSurf Trailer

Shane has posted up a one minute trailer of the CivicSurf film on the project blog. [HTML1] It’s a nice taster of what is a great film (which I was lucky enough to see in full at the recent evoice event), which will go a considerable way to convince civic leaders of the merits of … Keep reading